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Found 1953 results for any of the keywords gina trapani. Time 0.007 seconds.
Gina Trapani - WikipediaGina Marie Trapani (born September 19, 1975 1 ) is an American tech blogger, web developer, writer, and technology executive.
Gina Trapani – MediumTechnology, culture, representation, and self-improvement. Once upon a time I started Lifehacker.
ginatrapani (Gina Trapani) · GitHubinternet person 👋 🏳️🌈 . ginatrapani has 15 repositories available. Follow their code on GitHub.
Gina Trapani - The Official Web SiteI'm @ginatrapani. I build software and companies. Sometimes I write about digital technology, and the ways it changes how people and organizations get things done.
Todo.txt: Future-proof task tracking in a file you controlTrack your tasks and projects in a plain text file, todo.txt. A todo.txt is software and operating system agnostic; it's searchable, portable, lightweight and easily manipulated.
Todo.txt: Future-proof task tracking in a file you controlTrack your tasks and projects in a plain text file, todo.txt. A todo.txt is software and operating system agnostic; it's searchable, portable, lightweight and easily manipulated.
ximilian's personal package archive : ximilianHomepage for DoStuff , a simple ToDo manager and personal packages developed and maintained by ximilian. DoStuff is a simple ToDo manager. It is as simple as writing a text file because it wraps the excellent todo.txt
How to Choose the Perfect Blog Topic for You - The Blog StarterWith the ever-expanding reach of the Internet and an audience of web surfers that continues to grow on a minute-by-minute basis, you can still easily make money by niche blogging. You don’t have to start with a huge foll
nerdur.comThe application is superbly simple and has worked well for me in daily usage for months years over a decade now. Just point it to where the todo.txt file is kept in settings and off you go. There is no support for anythi
The gender pay gap for women in the U.S. - Narrow the GapThat’s $197 out of a weekly paycheck, which means she got paid $10,244 less doing the same job in 2023.
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